I have a 1.2 metre lean to built before I moved into my teraced house 16 years ago. It has a poly carbonate roof and is supported by 2×2 wooden batons. One side baton is screwed directly into a party wall shared with my neighbour. I now want to knock down the enclosed lean to and build a conversatory, but extend it out by 1.4 metres from the existing lean to giving a total of 2.4 metres for the extension. Planning permission is not required however would I need to serve a party wall notice as:
What sections of the Party Wall Act would be covered by these works?
Attaching the roof support to the party wall will be notifiable under Section 2 of the Party Wall Act and if the new foundations will be deeper than the foundations to the party wall or your neighbours’ property, they will be notifiable under Section 6.
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices
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