Question We live in a mid-terrace, and have submitted plans for a kitchen extension. This kitchen extension will go along our neighbour’s wall (he’s already extended his kitchen). In accordance with the party wall act, we sent a letter outlining the works, including a copy of the plans. On the plans, the architects name is shown. It turns out ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Fees, Notices, Surveyors
Question Our property is over 200 years old. Before we bought the property, and obviously before there was such strict planning laws, a large commercial building, currently being used as a garage, was built. The side wall of the commercial building is very close, probably about a couple of foot, to the back wall of our property. The building ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners
Question Planning permission has been granted and work has commenced on the detached property adjoining ours. Although we were aware of the planning application and consent, we were not notified that work would commence. The work so far has entailed removing an old extension which formed the boundary between the two properties, and the next stage ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Party Wall Awards, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question My neighbour issued a Party Wall Line of Junction Notice to build a rear extension on the boundary. I believe the notice was invalid as there were no plans/drawings provided as well as the proposed date was less that 7 from the date the letter was issued. We responded stating that we could not sign any agreement, listed some ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners, Special Foundations, Surveyors
Question I live in a Victorian terraced house in London. My neighbours are proposing to extend their kitchen into their back garden using a party wall recently built by us for a similar extension. He has not issued me with a notice that this is his intention, but I have been advised by their builder that they intend to start work soon. ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question We are being bullied by our neighbour who has got planning permission to build in his back garden. To do this he has to lower the party wall by about a metre between our driveways to satisfy the local highways. If I do not want the wall lowering do I have to agree with this. If not what action should I be taking before it is ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners
Question We have served a Party Wall Notice on our neighbour as we are proposing to build a small single storey rear extension. It does not require planning permission (permitted development) but it may require foundations which go into our neighbour's garden. He has acknowledged the notice and not consented to the work going ahead. He has a ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners
Question We are planning a loft extension on our semi detached house and will need to cut into the party wall for the beams. As I understand it, we need to officially notify the neighbours (in addition to the planning application which was made and granted). If they agree, could you please confirm that basically, this is sufficient and no ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices
Question Am I correct in thinking that if a neighbour wishes to appoint their own surveyor and not an ‘agreed surveyor’, then I as the person doing the building work have no choice but to accept this, and the neighbour does not need to give a reason? Of course I seem to have the option to agree to use the same surveyor, although if it is one ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Fees, Notices, Party Wall Awards, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question I have received notice from the Council about my neighbours planned single storey rear extension. Our Victorian houses are adjoining. We fortunately get on well with them. Do I need to appoint a Party Wall Surveyor for my own protection or could we do something less formal? Answer I would suggest that you first ask your neighbour to ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Fees, Notices, Rights of Owners, Surveyors