Question My neighbours have permission not only to build onto, but also to increase the height of, the wall at the end of my garden. Neither their builder or surveyor was aware that the level of our garden is higher than the plot and that the walls they are building onto will be effectively below ground or that they also bordered ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Fees, Notices, Party Wall Awards, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
QuestionOur neighbours have served a notice on us stating their intention to build a kitchen extension up to the boundary line between our properties. Within our side of the boundary is a brick garden wall about 12ft long, the rest being wooden fencing, which lies on the boundary along the remaining length of the garden. On our side of the ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
QuestionMy wife and I have been served 2 notices.Line of junction notice - the neighbours plan on building "on the line of junction of the said lands a wall wholly on our own land, by carrying out works as detailed below, after the expiration of one month from the service of this notice" the intended works are " excavate a foundation to construct ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question We had started to work on a party wall agreement with our neighbour, as it appeared that we would be digging foundations for a new single storey extension deeper than current building foundations. We would be within 3 metres of the neighbours house. However, we found that the soil conditions were so poor that we would have to go down ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Fees, Surveyors, Third Surveyor
Question We bought a terraced cottage with planning permission for a single and two storey extension in November and immediately issued a Party Wall Notice to the neighbours on either side. One side replied immediately, and said they were happy with the proposed plans but would like to appoint their own surveyor. I agreed to this, and finally ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Surveyors
Question I have issued my neighbour with two Party Wall Notices for my planned single story kitchen extension which is 2.5 metres away from my neighbour's property, first notice giving one months notice under section 1 - building up to the boundary line and second notice under section 6 excavating within 3 metres of a neighbouring building, as ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Notices, Surveyors
Question I am doing a mansard loft conversion and two Adjoining Owners of the same property elected to appoint a surveyor. The head Leaseholder and Freeholders sent the valid notices to the same surveyor who signed the notices on their behalf appointing himself to act. He said that he could act on my behalf as well as agreed surveyor. I was not ... Read more >>
Categories: Fees, Party Wall Awards, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question Can you please advise if I can ask my surveyor to include asking my neighbour for the Building Regulations Approval details and the name & insurance details of the builder in the Party Wall Agreement? Answer Most party wall Awards will include a clause stating that the notified work should comply with all statutory requirements, ... Read more >>
Categories: Party Wall Awards, Rights of Owners, Surveyors
Question Please can you let me know under which circumstances a SOC must be undertaken by a residential party wall surveyor? Is it in fact a requirement? Answer It is not mandatory to have a schedule of condition attached to a Party Wall Award although it is considered to be good practice. The only scenario in which it would not be is if the ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Surveyors
Question My neighbour is refusing to supply a copy of a 'Party Wall Agreement". In the beginning I complained that I did not want my neighbour to build his extension I then found it was a permitted development extension. Upon hearing that I had no ability to stop him I gave up. He then sent me a copy of the party wall agreement after ... Read more >>
Categories: Adjoining Owners, Party Wall Awards, Surveyors